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24/7 Emergency Service – 907-376-8988


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[smart_box paddingLeft=”5%” paddingRight=”5%” div_id=”smartbox-id-6425″]If you own a home in Alaska, chances are that you own a septic system. A septic system is an effective method for treating household wastewater, as long as you keep up on the septic system maintenance. In addition, a septic tank is cost effective and easy to maintain solution.

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Protecting Your Investment…

Well-built systems can last 20 years or more when properly maintained. Septic system failures are a major source of groundwater pollution. Layers of soil act as a natural filter, removing microbes and other particles as water seeps through. Improperly treated water can carry bacteria and viruses that can cause gastroenteritis, fever, common cold, respiratory infections and hepatitis. Septic system maintenance is like automobile maintenance; a little effort on a regular basis can save you a lot of money and significantly prolong the life of the system.

Do’s And Don’ts

Just like any other part of your house, you septic system needs to be cared for. It’s easy to forget about your septic system maintenance because it’s not something that you necessarily see. There are things you can do, or not do, that will help you get the most out of your investment for many years!

Don’t treat your septic system as if it were a normal centralized sewer system. Things flushed down the toilet go into a tank instead of being washed away.

Don’t build driveways, storage buildings or other structures over the septic tank or drainfield.

Don’t back-flush your water softener into your septic system.

Do divert rainwater coming from driveways and roofs away from your leachfield. Excessive water in your drain field will oversaturate the ground, and keep the soil from naturally cleaning the wastewater, leading to polluted groundwater.

Do use your water wisely by limiting excessive water usage. This can be done by fixing leaking fixtures, installing low-flow devices, not taking long showers, and washing only full loads of dishes and laundry. The more wastewater you run through your system, the more your drainfield has to treat. Continuous overusage can degrade the quality of the soil, and reduce its ability to naturally remove bacteria, toxins and viruses from the water.

Do maintain a grass cover over drainfield area.

Do moderate your usage of household cleaning materials. Limiting the use of these materials can help to extend the life of your system

Do leave your stand pipes extending at least 24” above the ground. If they must be cut, make sure to take photos and measurements of pipe locations, and put the in formation in a folder for us to find your pipes for pumping and maintenance.

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Don’t flush household wastes such as:

  • Coffee grounds
  • Fat, grease or oil
  • Paper towels
  • Cat Litter
  • Cigarette butts
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Diapers
  • [/smart_box_col]

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    Don’t flush hazardous chemicals, such as:

  • Paints
  • Paint thinner
  • Waste oils
  • Medications
  • Pesticides
  • Varnishes
  • [/smart_box_col]

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    Call To Schedule Septic Service 907-376-8988

    [text_box textalign=”center” fontSize=”20px” lineHeight=”1.2em” color=”#fff” text_id=”text-id-2676″]Septic Service Area Includes:[/text_box]

    Wasilla, AK | Palmer, AK | Sutton, AK | Houston, AK | Big Lake, AK | Gateway, AK | Willow, AK | Talkeetna, AK | Petersville, AK | Cantwell, AK | Glennallen, AK | Denali Park, AK

    [text_box textalign=”center” fontSize=”26px” color=”#000″ paddingTop=”10″ paddingBottom=”20″ text_id=”text-id-7873″]Serving Wasilla, Palmer, and Greater Mat-Su Burough[/text_box]